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PICCASSO Eyeme W-type Fale Eyelash (Choose 1 out of 2 options)
PICCASSO Eyeme W-type Fale Eyelash (Choose 1 out of 2 options) 1
PICCASSO Eyeme W-type Fale Eyelash (Choose 1 out of 2 options) 2
PICCASSO Eyeme W-type Fale Eyelash (Choose 1 out of 2 options) 1
PICCASSO Eyeme W-type Fale Eyelash (Choose 1 out of 2 options) 2


PICCASSO Eyeme W-type Fale Eyelash (Choose 1 out of 2 options)

PICCASSO Eyeme W-type Fale Eyelash (Choose 1 out of 2 options)

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Why we love it
Eyeme W-type Fale Eyelash is made with the best quality through years of communication and research with makeup artists, and it is a product that comes in each strand to match the shape of the eyes and according to today's mood.
This product is for those who are looking for natural and light eyelashes like your own.
Handmade eyelashes are woven one by one to give them the same naturalness as real eyelashes.
It is an ultra-light eyelash that is as light as a feather.
It is possible to mix and match strands to suit my eyes and today's mood.
The support is thin and lightly attached, making it an ultra-light eyelash that can be used without strain on the eyes.
These eyelashes aren’t for single-use, but instead they can be reused after removing the eyelash glue with warm water.
W-type eyelashes look original, as if they were genuinely my eyebrows.
It is a point eyelash with a thin, rich design that creates round and clear eyes.
The difference between the V-type and the W-type is that the V-type is characterized by naturalness and detail, which can be customized in various lengths, and the W-type is characterized by richness and points, so it can be easily and quickly created and can be worn daily.
Recommended for those who want to create clear and defined eyes, and for those who want to accentuate eye makeup with eyelashes.
Featured ingredients
Unlike ordinary eyelashes, it is made with the Eyeme lacing technique, which is made by weaving eyelashes one by one by hand to give a original look.
Eyeme eyelashes are layered with short eyelashes on the bristles, making them look similar to real eyelashes.
How to use
1. Before attaching the strands of eyelashes, comb them with a designated comb to arrange them in a varied manner.
2. Pick up the eyelashes with a tweezer, remove them from the case, apply glue to the bristle and wait about 10 seconds.
3. Glue the glued eyelashes under the original lashes.
4. Before the glue dries completely, gently pinch it together with the original eyelashes.
After getting a small amount of mascara on the tip of the tweezer, you can collect two or three strands of eyelashes to create a splashy idol eyelashes.
W33 is a Point & Bright product with front 6mm / mid 11mm / end 6mm, and the W-type design with a medium length creates long and glamorous eyes.
W39 is a Point & Fancy product with front 4.5mm / mid 8mm / end 7mm, and the daily design with short bangs to create an innocent and natural point eye.
Item and Product Name Item: Living chemical products (adhesive) Product Name: PICCASSO Eyeme Eyelash
Purpose of Use and Formula Use: Fake eyelash glue / Formula: Liquid
Manufacturing and expiration dates Separately marked
Weight, capacity, number of sheets, and size 1g
Effect/Efficacy (For Approved Products) Not applicable
Importer, Country of Manufacture and Manufacturer Country of manufacture: Glue_South Korea,Eyelash_Vietnam/ Manufacturer: Glue_Glish Co., Ltd. ,Eyelash_SOSAN Pacific Co., Ltd.
Safety Seal Not applicable
Key Chemical Ingredients Water, 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate (fake eyelash glue)
Cautions for Use 1) Do not use on wounds. 2) If you have red spots, swelling, itchiness or irritations, stop using it immediately and see a dermatologist. 3) If swallowed, rinse mouth, drink plenty of water and seek medical advice immediately. 4) If it gets into your eyes, do not rub, rinse immediately with clean water and seek medical advice. 5) Keep out of reach of babies and children.
Approval No. for Safety Compliance (Self-Inspection) or for Risk Concerned Household Chemicals FB19-19-0052

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