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The Power of Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract in Skincare: Overview, Benefits, Mechanisms of Action, Formulations, Usage, and Scientific Studies

Last updated: Aug 2023
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Overview of Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract

Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract is derived from the Licorice plant, a perennial herbaceous plant native to Europe and Asia. It belongs to the legume family, Fabaceae, and is primarily grown for its roots, which are used in traditional medicine and as a flavoring agent.

Description of Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Plant

The Licorice plant typically grows up to 1-1.5 meters tall and features compound leaves with 9-17 leaflets. It produces clusters of small, pale blue to purple pea-like flowers that bloom in the summer. The roots of the plant are the most sought-after part and possess a rich, sweet flavor.

Traditional Uses of Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract

Licorice root extract has long been used in various cultures for its medicinal properties. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is known as "Gan Cao" and is often used to harmonize herbal formulas. Licorice is highly regarded for its soothing effects and is commonly used to relieve coughs, sore throats, and digestive discomfort.

Additionally, Licorice root extract has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can be applied topically to soothe skin irritations, reduce itching, and alleviate redness. In some cultures, it is also used on wounds to promote healing and prevent infection.

Licorice root extract has been traditionally used to support healthy gastrointestinal function. It is believed to enhance the production of protective mucus in the stomach, reduce acid reflux, and alleviate symptoms of gastric ulcers. Licorice has also been used as a mild laxative and diuretic.

Active Components of Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract

Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract contains several active components that contribute to its therapeutic properties. The primary active constituent is glycyrrhizin, a natural compound responsible for its intense sweetness. Glycyrrhizin possesses anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting cells against oxidative damage.

Another important active component is liquiritin, a flavonoid with skin-brightening properties. Liquiritin helps reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and age spots, promoting a more even skin tone.

Licorice root extract also contains a variety of flavonoids and saponins, which contribute to its potential health benefits. These compounds have been shown to have antimicrobial, antiviral, and immune-modulating effects.

It is important to note that Licorice root extract should be used in moderation, as excessive consumption can lead to side effects. High doses or prolonged use may cause an increase in blood pressure, sodium retention, and potassium depletion. It is not recommended for individuals with hypertension, heart disease, or kidney disorders.

Benefits of Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract for Skincare

1. Skin brightening and lightening properties:

Licorice root extract, derived from the Glycyrrhiza Glabra plant, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its numerous health benefits. When it comes to skincare, this natural ingredient is gaining popularity for its remarkable properties. Here are five key benefits of Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) root extract for skincare:

  • Licorice root extract is known for its skin lightening properties, making it an excellent choice for those looking to reduce the appearance of dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and age spots.
  • The extract contains a compound called glabridin, which inhibits the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color.
  • Regular use of products containing licorice root extract can help achieve a brighter and more even complexion.

2. Anti-inflammatory and soothing effects:

  • Licorice root extract has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, making it an ideal ingredient for sensitive and acne-prone skin.
  • It helps reduce redness, swelling, and irritation, providing relief for conditions like eczema and rosacea.
  • Licorice root extract also soothes the skin, improving its overall texture and appearance.

3. Antioxidant capabilities:

  • Licorice root extract is rich in antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols, which help protect the skin from free radical damage.
  • Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause premature aging and skin damage.
  • By neutralizing these harmful molecules, licorice root extract helps maintain a youthful complexion and slows down the signs of aging.

4. Protection against UV damage:

  • Exposure to harmful UV rays is one of the leading causes of skin damage and aging.
  • Licorice root extract contains certain compounds that have been found to provide natural sun protection, preventing UVB-induced damage.
  • While it should not replace sunscreen, incorporating skincare products with licorice root extract can enhance your skin's defense against harmful UV rays.

5. Anti-aging properties:

  • Licorice root extract is packed with antioxidants and phytoestrogens that help stimulate collagen production.
  • Collagen is a protein responsible for maintaining the skin's elasticity and firmness.
  • By boosting collagen production, licorice root extract helps minimize the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, promoting a more youthful and radiant complexion.

To incorporate Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) root extract into your skincare routine, look for products that specifically mention licorice root extract or glabridin as an ingredient. It is commonly found in serums, moisturizers, toners, and spot treatments. Before introducing any new product into your skincare routine, it is recommended to perform a patch test to ensure you do not have any adverse reactions.

In conclusion, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) root extract offers numerous benefits for skincare. Its skin brightening, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, UV protection, and anti-aging properties make it a valuable addition to your skincare arsenal. Embrace the power of nature and discover the wonders of licorice root extract for healthier, more radiant skin.

Mechanisms of Action for Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract in Skincare

Licorice root extract, derived from the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for various health benefits. In recent years, it has gained recognition for its remarkable effects on the skin. Licorice root extract offers several mechanisms of action that make it an excellent ingredient in skincare products. In this guide, we will explore how licorice root extract brightens the skin, reduces inflammation and irritation, interferes with melanin synthesis, scavenges free radicals, and stimulates collagen synthesis.

Inhibition of Tyrosinase Activity for Skin Brightening:

Tyrosinase is an enzyme responsible for the production of melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin. Licorice root extract contains a compound called glabridin, which has been shown to inhibit tyrosinase activity. By blocking this enzyme, licorice root extract helps to reduce the production of melanin, leading to a brighter and more even complexion. Look for skincare products that contain licorice root extract as an ingredient to achieve a radiant and luminous skin tone.

Reduction of Inflammation and Irritation:

Licorice root extract possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can calm and soothe the skin. It contains compounds such as glycyrrhizin and licochalcone, which have been found to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory molecules. Using skincare products with licorice root extract can be beneficial for individuals with sensitive or acne-prone skin, as it helps to alleviate redness, swelling, and irritation.

Interference with Melanin Synthesis:

In addition to inhibiting tyrosinase activity, licorice root extract interferes with other steps of melanin synthesis. It inhibits the expression of melanogenic enzymes and reduces the transfer of melanin to surrounding skin cells. By disrupting multiple pathways involved in melanin production, licorice root extract helps to fade hyperpigmentation, sunspots, and age spots.

Scavenging Free Radicals for Antioxidant Effects:

Licorice root extract contains potent antioxidants that help neutralize harmful free radicals in the skin. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage the skin, leading to premature aging and other skin concerns. The antioxidants in licorice root extract, such as glabridin and licochalcone, help protect the skin against oxidative stress, keeping it healthy, youthful, and radiant.

Stimulation of Collagen Synthesis:

Collagen is a crucial protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin. Licorice root extract has been found to stimulate collagen synthesis, promoting firmer and more supple skin. It activates fibroblasts, the cells responsible for producing collagen, leading to improved skin firmness and elasticity. Regular use of licorice root extract in skincare products can minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a more youthful complexion.

In conclusion, licorice root extract offers a multitude of benefits for the skin. By inhibiting tyrosinase activity, reducing inflammation, interfering with melanin synthesis, scavenging free radicals, and stimulating collagen synthesis, it helps to brighten the skin, reduce hyperpigmentation, soothe irritation, and promote a more youthful appearance. Look for skincare products that contain licorice root extract to incorporate this powerful ingredient into your daily skincare routine and achieve healthy and radiant skin.

Formulations and Usage of Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract in Skincare

Glycyrrhiza Glabra, commonly known as Licorice, is a versatile plant renowned for its numerous health benefits. In recent years, it has gained popularity in the skincare industry due to its powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and skin-brightening properties. This article serves as a guide to understanding the different types of skincare products containing Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, proper usage and application methods, and potential side effects or precautions to consider.

Types of skincare products containing Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract:

  • Moisturizers: Licorice root extract is often found in moisturizers, especially those designed for brightening, lightening dark spots, and reducing hyperpigmentation. Look for products specifically marketed for these purposes, and ensure that Licorice root extract is listed as an active ingredient.
  • Serums: Licorice root extract is also commonly found in serums, where it can be more concentrated and targeted. Serums with Licorice root extract are typically used for fading dark spots, evening out skin tone, and providing a radiant complexion.
  • Face Masks: Some face masks contain Licorice root extract as a key ingredient for brightening and clarifying the skin. These masks are often used as a weekly treatment to enhance the overall complexion and reduce the appearance of discoloration.

Proper usage and application methods:

  • Patch Test: Before incorporating any new product containing Licorice root extract into your skincare routine, perform a patch test on a small area of your skin. This will help identify any potential allergic reactions or sensitivities.
  • Cleansing: Start by thoroughly cleansing your face and neck to remove any dirt or impurities. This will allow the Licorice root extract to penetrate the skin more effectively.
  • Product Application: Apply the skincare product according to the manufacturer's instructions or as directed by your dermatologist. Typically, a small amount is sufficient for the entire face. Gently massage the product into the skin using upward, circular motions until fully absorbed.
  • Layering: If you are using multiple skincare products containing Licorice root extract, it is essential to understand the proper order of application. Generally, the rule of thumb is to apply products from thinnest to thickest consistency. Start with cleansers, followed by toners, serums, moisturizers, and finally, sunscreen during the day.

Potential side effects or precautions:

  • Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some individuals may be allergic to Licorice root extract. If you experience redness, itching, or any irritation after using a product containing Licorice root extract, discontinue use immediately and consult a dermatologist.
  • Sun Sensitivity: Licorice root extract may make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. It is essential to use broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF during the day to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: It is advisable to consult with your healthcare professional before using skincare products containing Licorice root extract if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

In summary, skincare products containing Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract can be beneficial for brightening the skin, reducing hyperpigmentation, and promoting a radiant complexion. However, it is crucial to perform a patch test, follow proper usage and application methods, and be aware of any potential side effects or precautions to ensure a safe and effective skincare routine.

Scientific Studies and Research on Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract in Skincare

Licorice root extract, derived from Glycyrrhiza glabra, has been widely used in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits. In recent years, this natural ingredient has gained attention from the skincare industry due to its potential positive effects on the skin. In this guide, we will explore the scientific studies and research that support the benefits of licorice root extract in skincare, compare its efficacy with other skincare ingredients, and address the safety and efficacy assessments.

Clinical trials and studies supporting its benefits

Licorice root extract has been extensively studied for its skincare properties. One clinical trial conducted on 60 participants with melasma, a common skin pigmentation disorder, found that the application of a topical cream containing licorice root extract resulted in a significant decrease in pigmentation and improved skin tone after 8 weeks of use. Another study showed that licorice root extract has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help combat skin aging and reduce skin redness and irritation.

Comparison with other skincare ingredients

Licorice root extract holds its own among other popular skincare ingredients. It has been found to possess brightening properties comparable to hydroquinone, a commonly used ingredient in skin lightening products. However, unlike hydroquinone, licorice root extract is considered a safer alternative as it is less likely to cause irritation or damage to the skin. Additionally, licorice root extract provides skin-soothing benefits, making it a valuable ingredient for individuals with sensitive or irritated skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties rival those of chamomile and aloe vera, making it an excellent choice for calming and soothing the skin.

Safety and efficacy assessments

Licorice root extract has been deemed safe for topical use in skincare products. Studies have shown that it does not cause any significant adverse effects on the skin. However, as with any skincare ingredient, it is essential to consider individual sensitivities and allergies. Patch testing a skincare product containing licorice root extract is recommended before regular use to ensure compatibility with your skin.

Efficacy assessments have demonstrated consistent positive results when using licorice root extract in skincare. Its skin brightening properties have been proven effective in reducing hyperpigmentation and improving overall skin tone. Its antioxidant properties protect the skin against free radicals, which contribute to skin aging. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties offer relief from skin redness and irritation, making it a versatile ingredient for various skincare concerns.


  • Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract is a natural ingredient commonly used in skincare products due to its potential skin benefits.
  • It has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe and calm irritated skin, making it ideal for sensitive and acne-prone skin types.
  • The extract contains antioxidants that protect the skin against free radicals, preventing premature aging and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Licorice root extract is known to inhibit the production of melanin, helping to fade dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone.
  • It has soothing properties that may alleviate redness and irritation caused by environmental factors or skin conditions like rosacea or eczema.
  • Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract also possesses anti-bacterial and antifungal properties, which can aid in the treatment and prevention of skin infections and blemishes.
